Mediterranean Lentil Chips Review

Healthy Living, Top Mediterranean Diet Reviews | Online Diet Reviews

The THREE Mediterranean Snack Food Co. (  baked lentil chips that we tested included cucumber dill, sea salt and sea salt & cracked pepper. For people on the go who are looking for healthy alternatives to traditional potato chips, these baked lentil chips are the answer. They will give you less fat, more fiber and a better taste. They are excellent for dipping, topping and snacking. I have to be honest when I first heard “lentil chips”, I was a little nervous but I can definitely say they taste amazing!!! and are healthy 🙂

Now what about the Olive Factor?

The Mediterranean Snack Food Co prides themself in old world tradition and value the nutritional balance of all their products. Why is this important? From a scientific perspective, lentils are much healthier than a traditional fried chip. They are all gluten free and provide an excellent amount of fiber. More fiber=less cancer and digestive problems. Baked lentil chips also have ~70% less fat than regular potato chips so choose wisely! 

If you compare lentil chips to your traditional brand of Cheetos….there are some major differences. Cheetos have more fat, a smaller serving size, more sodium and no fiber.


Cheetos (

  • Price: check locally
  • Serving Size: 1 ounce  (28g or 13 chips) —–less chips in serving size compared to the baked lentils
  • Calories: 160  Fat Calories:  90—–WAY more FAT calories and more calories in general
  • Fat: 10g (15%) (Saturated Fat 2g (10%) and Trans Fat 0g)–more fat; more saturated fat (bad fat)
  • Cholesterol:  less than 5mg (1%)
  • Sodium:350mg  (15%)—-more sodium
  • Carbohydrates: 13g (4%)--less carbs but this is misleading because there is NO fiber in cheetos.
  • Fiber: 0g (0%)
  • Sugar: less than 1g
  • Protein: 2g
  • Vitamin A: 0%
  • Vitamin C: 0%
  • Calcium: 0%
  • Iron: 0%

Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper

The Olive Factor: [xrr rating=5/5]

  • Price: check locally
  • Serving Size: 1 ounce  (28g or 22 chips)
  • Calories: 110  Fat Calories:  30
  • Fat: 3g (5%) (Saturated Fat 0g (0%) and Trans Fat 0g)
  • Cholesterol: 0mg (0%)
  • Sodium:250mg  (10%)
  • Carbohydrates: 19g (6%)
  • Fiber: 3g (12%)
  • Sugar: 2g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Vitamin A: 0%
  • Vitamin C: 0%
  • Calcium: 0%
  • Iron: 0%

Sea Salt

 The Olive Factor: [xrr rating=4/5]

  • Price: check locally
  • Serving Size: 1 ounce  (28g or 22 chips)
  • Calories: 110  Fat Calories:  30
  • Fat: 3g (5%) (Saturated Fat 0g (0%) and Trans Fat 0g)
  • Cholesterol: 0mg (0%)
  • Sodium:1700mg  (7%)
  • Carbohydrates: 19g (6%)
  • Fiber: 3g (12%)
  • Sugar: 1g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Vitamin A: 0%
  • Vitamin C: 0%
  • Calcium: 0%
  • Iron: 0%

Cucumber Dill

 The Olive Factor: [xrr rating=4/5]

  • Price: check locally
  • Serving Size: 1 ounce  (28g or 22 chips)
  • Calories: 110  Fat Calories:  30
  • Fat: 3g (5%) (Saturated Fat 0g (0%) and Trans Fat 0g)
  • Cholesterol: 0mg (0%)
  • Sodium:260mg  (10%)
  • Carbohydrates: 19g (6%)
  • Fiber: 3g (12%)
  • Sugar: 2g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Vitamin A: 0%
  • Vitamin C: 0%
  • Calcium: 0%
  • Iron: 0%

 Full Disclosure Statement: The Mediterranean Snack Food Co sent Suzy Eats free chips for the purposes of this review.

%’s are listed in RDV: Recommended Daily Value

Olive Factor Rating is based on nutirious value as well as taste and flavor.

Would you rather have a bag of cheetos or baked lentil chips??

5 Responses to “Mediterranean Lentil Chips Review”

  1. Tanya Plummer Says:

    I discovered Lentil Chips at Bulk Barn a few months ago. They only carry the 3 flavours listed above…cuc/dill is my fave! I will never go back to regular potato or corn chips again…these are definately THE BOMB!

  2. Wendy Irene Says:

    I’ve never heard of baked lentil chips. Sounds really interesting. Given the choice of cheetos or baked lentil chips I’d go with the lentils ones all the way. Have a great day, Suzy!

  3. Suzy Eats Says:

    Thanks Wendy!

  4. M Says:

    Sea salt is great with Tribe roasted garlic hummus 🙂

  5. Lia GodsFlower Mayfield Says:

    I absolutely love the lentil Chips! They are delicious, crunchy and awesome! I actually dip them in a home made tuna salad, canned tuna, red onions, white onions, red, yellow, orange mini sweet peppers, garlic, lime, cilantro, green onions, lemon salt, and 2-3 hot thai chilis! Healthy delicious lunch!!!