Sesame Street Birthday Party

Healthy Living

My son recently turned one, and we had a sesame street themed birthday party for him 🙂 I hope you enjoy all of the pictures of the party!

We held the party at The Estate at Florentine Gardens

The tablecloths and napkins were all in different primary colors.



The centerpieces were homemade. Just need a great printer. I ordered the template off of Etsy. I used Christmas Sesame Street Wrapping Paper for the box and had different characters on each table attached to balloons. I also had each label have Jude’s name as well.

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At the entryway, I cut out footprints of Elmo, Big Bird and Cookie Monster and placed them on a white carpet. Of course they were also invited 🙂

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All of the kids went home with Elmo’s favorites!!  I placed “goldfish” and “crayons” inside specially made fishbowls with a special character on it (oscar, elmo, cookie monster and big bird).

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Everyone also received a bottle of water…I made special sesame street labels that stated Jude’s Party…these were great especially after all of the dancing 🙂 have to thank the DJ for that.

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We had character Lollipops for all of the guests: Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster. Thank you Auntie Maggie for your help with this!

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A great cocktail hour with two hot stations pasta and carving……(not all shown)…what I love about the East Coast is there is ALWAYS more than enough food at parties! This is in addition to the four course meal….talk about being stuffed!!

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Everyone also went home with some homemade cupcakes. I made all yellow cake and colored the buttercream frosting with different primary colors: red, blue and green. I purchased the character faces from Williams & Sonoma.

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We had a Tattoo Parlor for all of the kids. We set up a table and hung up the sign. The tattoos were scattered all over the table along with a bucket of water and some wet rags. The kids were so excited to get a “sesame street” tattoo. Inexpensive way to have fun. Just picked up a poster board.

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Throw a cookie in cookie monsters’ mouth. I made this out of a blue poster board and glued it to a box. The kids used “toy” cookies and the winners won a full package of cookies.









Oscar’s Can Knockdown

The kids had three chances to knock down as many cans as they could using a ball.  I just used some cans of chicken broth and ripped off the labels. Again…an inexpensive way to have fun 🙂









I also set up a craft table for the kids. They were able to make their birthday party hats. I purchased glue from and the rest was from a craft store.

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All in all we had a wonderful party with wonderful family and friends and are truly blessed. We were pooped by the end though 🙂


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Hurricane Sandy Relief — HELP the CHILDREN and INFANTS in need.

Healthy Living

As a mom who was without power and heat for 5 days, I can say that I truly understand how devastating a hurricane can be to the lives of your children.

Feeding an infant with no electricity was a challenge!! When I woke up for a nighttime feeding, I placed a flashlight next to a bottle filled with water (that was not warm) and a can of powdered formula. I scooped in the appropriate amount while trying not to miss and shook the bottle. Then while holding the flashlight and bottle, I picked up my son and fed him while sitting in a rocking chair in a room that was very cold!!

I can only imagine how much worse of a spot some of the other mothers are currently in especially those who are still without power, heat, hot water or even those who lost their homes. Let’s HELP THEM!!!

I would like to collect CLOTHES (jackets, shirts, pants, t-shirts, underwear, onesies, etc), BABY FOOD, DIAPERS, WIPES, SHOES, BLANKETS and any other item you can think of that a baby/child would need at this point.

BOTTLES, PACIFIERS, TOYS……please let me know if you are interested in helping out these children and parents in need.

If you do not have any items to donate and would like to help with the costs of shipping, please let me know.

Please email me directly for more information, if you are interested.

[email protected] OR [email protected]


Below are some pics from my local grocery store. We still do not have enough eggs, bread, etc.



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It’s okay to feed your child fast food at _______ years old!!

Healthy Living











Moms always try to give their children the best, beginning in the womb. We eat healthier; we give up certain cheeses and luncheon meat, and who can forget giving up spicy tuna crunch rolls?? Yes, I gave up SUSHI for 37 weeks and definitely feel like I deserve a blue ribbon for that!!

It continues…Once your child is born, many moms, including myself, try breastfeeding since it’s recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and is “supposedly” healthier for your child.  But, what about moms like me who cannot continue breastfeeding for health reasons or moms who simply do not want to breastfeed.  Does that make us bad moms??

It continues…Once your child hits 4 to 6 months, they need some “real” food. Some moms go the extra-mile and make homemade baby food. I mean who would feed their child from a jar? (j/k). Although I make about 75% of Jude’s baby food, I purchase organic baby food jars for the remainder. Do you know how many dirty looks I get when I open a jar in front of other moms??  As if giving my son jarred baby food makes me a shitty mom even though my jar contains ORGANIC food, and most likely they are giving their child homemade baby food with a bunch of pesticides in a plastic container that is probably NOT BPA free!!J So which mom is doing what is best??

It continues…Once your child hits a year old, you say no fast-food and no ordering from the children’s menu at a restaurant since most restaurants offer children low-quality options such as chicken fingers, buttered pasta, pizza, or a burger.  Is that okay to say no though and when is it okay to actually say YES?

When it comes to nutrition for our children, we try so hard early on, but then somehow by the third grade almost every child has had a Happy Meal or chicken fingers and fries at the local-chained restaurant. It’s almost like a rite-of-passage.

So my question for all the moms (and dads) out there is not do you feed your child fast food, but rather at what age is it okay to feed your child fast food or off of the children’s menu? When do we stop caring about what is going into the mouths of our children??


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How to BURN 100 Calories in less than 10 minutes?

Healthy Living

I definitely believe in a healthy diet, but in order to maintain good health, exercise is crucial. As part of my new “healthy” lifestyle, I am beginning a new exercise regimen. As a woman, cardio was something that was very important to me as it helps burn the most calories and protects against heart disease (the leading cause of death in women). Caloric intake is also the biggest determinant Read the rest of this entry »

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I am back :-)

Ask Suzy, Healthy Living

It has been awhile since I have regularly posted on, but there are many reasons for this. Let me explain 🙂

The first reason is that I was pregnant and with my pregnancy came the usual tiredness that all expecting moms experience. I thought it would resolve itself after the first trimester but then I was in a major car accident which affected my ability to cook/walk/stand for awhile. Thank God I have since recovered but then came other issues…..most notably was the diagnosis of preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is when a pregnant woman develops high blood pressure and protein in her urine. It is one of the leading causes of death of a pregnant woman in the world, and the only treatment is the safe delivery of the baby. How did I get preeclampsia? ME? The person who reads every single ingredient on a food label BEFORE I make a purchase at the grocery store…the person who loves to eat “healthy” and encourages others to eat this way too. I am not really sure of WHY this happened. But, what I do know now is that I have preeclampsia or gestational hypertension and that I now take a daily blood pressure pill to manage my high blood pressure. (I am hoping to get off in the near future…)

I was induced at 37 weeks exactly due to my elevated blood pressure, which allowed me to meet my baby boy Jude and experience the best day of my life. Up until this point, I pushed for the Mediterranean Diet because I believed in it and saw that my family members lived long healthy lives because of it, but now everything has changed. I am now trying to manage my high blood pressure, and I believe this way will help me!!

I am going to start blogging again so please let me know if you have any specific recipes you would like or any specific health tips. Thanks for staying loyal to my site!! Please follow me on facebook or twitter 🙂

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