Remember Popeye?? 7 facts about Spinach


Let’s face it….Popeye is not the only one who loves his Spinach. You walk into a Mediterranean restaurant and what do you see as a side dish, a main dish and even as an appetizer?? SPINACH.

Spinach is one of the main foods in the Mediterranean diet, and it can help keep us healthy and strong.

Below are 7 Facts about Spinach

1. There are two varieties of spinach: older and new.

  • Older types: die off quicker in warmer conditions; have narrow leaves; stronger and more bitter taste
  • Newer varieties: grow faster in warm weather.

2. There are three basic types of spinach: 1) flat/smooth, 2) Savoy/curly 3) five star. You can purchase spinach at the market fresh, canned or frozen. (although you should NEVER EVER buy anything in a can).

  • The flat/smooth type is easy to clean; usually found in canned or frozen; used in soups, baby foods or other processed foods.
  • The savoy is usually purchased fresh.
  • Five star usually has the seed with it.

3. Spinach has a high nutritional value and is extremely rich in antioxidants, especially when fresh, steamed, or quickly boiled.

4. It is a rich source of vitamin A (in lutein), vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, folate, betaine, iron, vitamin B2, calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, folic acid, copper, protein, phosphorus, zinc, niacin, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids.

5. Opioids which help to relive pain have been found in spinach. Are you feeling pain? Try spinach for relief…

6. Are you pregnant? Spinach is an excellent source of folic acid. It is important to know that boiling spinach can decrease the folate into half.

7. Spinach contains a high amount of iron and calcium but it is difficult for the body to absorb them due to the oxalate in the spinach.



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Jute Plant…Mulukhiya…Mediterranean Healthy. No more aging!



Mulukhiya has been mentioned to me by more than one reader, and I have promised to talk about it. Mulukhiya is the Arabic name for this plant. It is known as a Jute Plant in English or Ewedu or Rama in parts of Nigeria. As Dianna mentioned previously on the blog, it can be eaten as a soup with bread or it can be eaten with rice.

Jute is a very popular green vegetable world wide. It is rich in betacarotene, iron, calcium and vitamin C. If you were recently told that you are anemic or if you are undergoing chemotherapy or are pregnant, Jute may be a healthy choice for you. It is also contains antioxidants which are excellent for aging and can help to keep you young. As I have recently entered my 30s, I can say anything that will prevent me from aging is a must. It also contains a high content of vitamin E which is great for nerves and diabetes.

Please feel free to add Jute or Mulukhiya recipes.

Happy Friday and GO BEARS!!!!!!!

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I want Squash NOW….


Squash is a popular and healthy Mediterranean food. There are different types and ways to cook it. Squash provides an excellent source of carotenes, vitamin B, C and potassium. It is also an excellent form of fiber and can help prevent colon cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and prostate problems.

What are the different types of squash?

  1. Acorn- small, ribbed squash with a dark greenish gold shell; served halved and baked
  2. Spaghetti- buttery fleshed and served like spaghetti
  3. Pumpkin- Halloween Squash
  4. Butternut- most popular type; large pear like shape; taste like a sweet potato with nuts

When: Great during the winter cold

What: Squash should be heavy and firm.  Make sure it has no bruises or softness anywhere on the skin.

Where: Store it in a dark, cool, dry place. NOT in a refrigerator. If it is stored in <50 degrees Farenheit, it will break down quickly.

How Long (does it last): Acorn and butternut ~ 3months while other squash can last between 1 to 6 months

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