SUMAC: Poison vs NOT poison

Healthy Living, Spice

Want SUMAC with that food??? I DO….I DO!!! Yesterday I actually flew on an airplane for 750 miles with some SUMAC in my purse 🙂 Why would I do such a thing??? Well because it is SUMAC!!!

Sumac is one of my favorite spices because of its versatility. The tasty sumac I am describing is extracted from the berries of a flowering bush that grows wild in the Mediterranean region, especially southern Italy and parts of the Middle East. It is deep red or purplish in color and is commonly added to many Mediterranean dishes for its lemony flavor. Make sure you do not confuse it with poisonous sumac that grows in North America.

I add sumac to my hummus as a decor, and I also add it to my salads to provide just the right amount of lemon zest! You can also rub it on your meats and even use it before grilling kebobs.

In terms of health benefits, it has both antimicrobial and antioxidant effects so it is great at helping to fight infections, heart disease and more. There is some evidence that it may even help to reduce fevers.

Have you tried SUMAC before???

8 Responses to “SUMAC: Poison vs NOT poison”

  1. Mom Says:

    Sumac is a stable in my pantry. i use it with many Middle Eastern recipes, with salads and for decoration. It adds a lot of tangy/lemony flavor to food in a good way.
    Every food item was created on this earth must have some sort of health benefits, and i believe that spices are some of those items that carry a lot of health benefits all packed up in just a little flavor.

  2. sonia Says:

    Thanks for stopping by my space, u got a lovely posts too !

  3. Cakewhiz Says:

    I have never tried sumac but using it for grilled kabobs sounds super tasty!

  4. Jill@MadAboutMacarons Says:

    I’ve never even heard of sumac. This definitely sounds worth checking out, thanks! Sumac macarons, perhaps? Bit scary if there’s a poisonous version, though…

  5. Liz Says:

    I need to run to Penzey’s to pick up some chile powder…and I just went to their website and they carry sumac! Hooray…I will play with it soon 🙂

  6. Hester Casey - Alchemy Says:

    Hi Suzy, Sumac is a new flavour for me. Going to have to check it out. Lemony and good for me – I can see me and this spice are going to get along.

  7. Kim Says:

    I love the flavor of Sumac! I have a great marinade recipe using sumac on Chicken thighs! It is so good!

  8. A little bit of everything Says:

    i have never used SUMAC since I did not know how does it taste. after reading your post, i now know it’s a lemony.