Baba Ghanoush: Fresh Smoked, Baked Eggplant Dip

Dip, Recipe, Vegetarian


Have you ever watched the movie Wedding Crashers??? Numerous times throughout the movie John calls Jeremy “Baba Ghannoush” 🙂 …. There was no rhyme or reason for it, but he did it. Well what is this dish??  It is fresh, smoked, baked eggplant dip 🙂 Yummy!!  Baba ghannoush is a traditional breakfast dish in parts of the Middle East.  It is also used as a starter or appetizer or a side dish or salad. 

There are many variations of this dish. In Arabic it is known as baba ghanoush. In Turkish, it is called pathcan salatasi. There is an Israeli version that is made with mayonnaise and in the Bulgarian culture it is called kyopolou.  Indian culture has a similar dish that is called Baingan Bartha, and in Romania it is called salata de vinete. In Greek, it is called melitzanosalata. 

For a garnish, you can select what you like best. Some options are kalamata olives, cumin, chili powder, sumac, parsley, and/or pomegranate  concentrate. It is also usually topped with drizzled olive oil.


  • 1 large eggplant
  • Cold Water, 3-5 cups
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Garnish: your choice


How To:

1. Preheat your oven to 350F.

2. Lightly grease a baking sheet with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

3. Place eggplant directly on stovetop and smoke eggplant over low heat to give it the “smoky flavor”. You may have to turn it a couple times. Remove once smoky scent is apparent.

4.  Place on the greased baking sheet and poke ~20 times with a fork into the skin of the eggplant.

5. Roast the eggplant in the oven for about 30 minutes or until soft.

6. Remove the eggplant from the oven, place into cold water. 



 7. Remove the skin of the eggplant. It is usually easiest to start at the top and peel back.

 8. Place the eggplant, lemon juice, tahini paste, garlic and salt into the blended. Mix.

 9.  Remove from blender and place onto a dish or into a bowl. You can use a spoon to spread it out.

 10. Add Olive Oil and other garnishes.

11. Enjoy

Tip* you can refrigerate it for ~ 1 hour to serve it cold.

23 Responses to “Baba Ghanoush: Fresh Smoked, Baked Eggplant Dip”

  1. Michele Says:

    I have been IN LOVE with baba ganoush since I first tried it in 2009! i’ve homemade it twice, the first wasn’t that great the second was better. its hard for me to get it to not be so runny! This post inspires me to make it again! I saw you wrote to kelly that you bought a new camera … what kind did u get ?? Mine tried to die on me in chicago and now im on the hunt for a new camera, it’ll be the first really “nice” camera i’ve ever bought!

  2. Wendy Irene Says:

    hehe I never knew what Baba Ghannoush was! I’m glad I do now 🙂 Have a great day!

  3. eatlovedrink Says:

    I love your method of preparing the eggplant! I’ve always cooked them in the oven first, which takes much longer. This looks wonderful.

  4. Maris (In Good Taste) Says:

    This is getting bookmarked! I loved Wedding Crashers!

  5. Natalie Says:

    I’ve always just roasted the aubergine in the oven but it does miss that smokey flavour. Now I know why!! Thanks.

  6. Hester Casey - Alchemy Says:

    Sooo delicious and healthy. I make the Greek version on an almost weekly basis but I’m going to have to try your version, adding the smokey flavour first. Your presentation is lovely.

  7. sarah Says:

    I love baba ghanoush…and wedding crashers! Looking forward to trying your recipe!

  8. Karen Peek Says:

    I have wanted to try and make this. Your recipe looks sooo good!!

  9. Suzy Eats Says:

    Thanks Sarah. I love them both too 🙂

  10. Suzy Eats Says:

    Thanks. Let me know how it goes.

  11. Suzy Eats Says:


  12. Suzy Eats Says:

    me too love that movie

  13. Suzy Eats Says:

    Thanks you too!

  14. Suzy Eats Says:

    Hey Michele. Yes I got a Canon power shot g12. I really like it. But still learning 🙂

  15. Suzy Eats Says:

    Thank you. hope this helps

  16. Suzy Eats Says:

    let me know it you try it. 🙂

  17. Nikki @ The Tolerant Vegan Says:

    This looks fantastic! I LOVE baba ghanoush!

  18. Liz Says:

    I’ve always wanted to make this…and with your play by play instructions, I think I could do it. Looks wonderful~

  19. Karen Peek Says:

    I sure will!!!

  20. cakewhiz Says:

    i still prefer hummus over baba ganoush. i never made it myself thinking it was hard but your tutorial looks very simple to follow! i will give it a shot 😀

  21. Suzy Eats Says:


  22. Suzy Eats Says:

    Let me know how it goes.

  23. Suzy Eats Says:

    let me know how it goes. i prefer hummus too 🙂 but love baba ghannoush 🙂