Food Pyramids…..Mediterranean vs USDA. What are the differences?

Healthy Living


I have attached three food pyramids below. The first pyramid is the USDA recommended food pyramid, while the latter two are Mediterranean Food Pyramids.

The Mediterranean Diet has been proven to be one of the most healthiest diets in the world. At the bottom of the Mediterranean Food Pyramid are breads and cereals which should be consumed daily. A key component is cous cous.

As you move up the pyramid, there are increased amounts of fruits and vegetables (much more than the standard USDA food pyramid). 

A key difference is OIL…specifically olive oil.

There are smaller amounts of cheese, yogurt and other dairy in the Mediterranean Pyramid than in the USDA pyramid.

Other key points are that: there is VERY LITTLE RED meat that is used in the mediterranean diet and very small amounts of sweets since fruits are eaten as sweets. Olives and tomatoes are the most common fruits. Legumes and nuts are eaten as snacks. Fish and poultry are more common than red meats.

There have been key studies comparing the Mediterranean Diets to other diets around the world.  In the countries with a Mediterranean Diet, heart disease is generally lower.

  Another difference is that the Mediterranean Food pyramid describes foods in various terms: monthy, weekly and daily. While the USDA, describes the daily intake. 

Which food pyramid are you following????

5 Responses to “Food Pyramids…..Mediterranean vs USDA. What are the differences?”

  1. Dianna Says:

    Wow what a difference no wonder. . . the mediterranean people are healthier

  2. suzyrabi Says:

    There definitely is a big difference. Hope you are following the mediterranean diet 🙂

  3. Sarah Says:

    I remeber when I learned the US Food Pyramid in 2nd grade. I was horrified…are Americans expected to eat this much?
    Meat everyday? If you want to be a wrestler!
    Eat oils and fats sparcely? Ever heard of a thing called LIPIDS?
    Goodness Gracious…I will definately be switching my diet plan.

  4. Manoj Ghosh Says:

    it will be useful to those people who’re suffering from heart disease.

  5. Manoj Ghosh Says:

    every people should try to maintain this for their own benefit i.e. “healthy heart”.