Are you eating enough Monounsaturated Fats??

Healthy Living

nutrition month

March is national nurition month, and Suzy Eats is asking all of our readers to try and eat more monounsaturated fats this month and less saturated fats!!! For more than 50 years, researchers have been trying to determine the role that fat plays in the development of heart disease. Did you know that the QUALITY of fat is the most important determinant??? Fats are NOT all the same.

Review of the “fats” data has shown us that consuming monounsaturated fat can actually help to reduce the risk of heart disease. In fact, national US guidelines may soon recommend increasing your intake of monounsaturated fat by replacing it for your saturated fat intake.

We know for sure that people who consume the Mediterranean Diet have lower risks of diabetes and heart disease. We also know that not all fats are the same. Consuming more monounsaturated fat can also help to improve cholesterol levels,blood pressure, insulin sensitivity and regulate your blood sugar.  Newer reserach actually suggests that monounsaturated fats can help diminsh the risk of obesity!!!!!!!!

fatty acids

So now the question is what are some foods that contain monounsaturated fats and low levels of saturated fats?????

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March is National Nutrition Month.

Healthy Living

What does Nutrition Month mean to you? Are you going to do anything different this month?

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Does the Mediterranean Diet Protect against Smoking and Second-Hand Smoke?

Healthy Living


New evidence published in Public Health in January supports that the Mediterranean Diet may actually protect against cancers, heart disease and respitory illnesses caused by smoking and second hand smoke.  Since the Mediterranean Diet is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, the evidence states that the vitamins and antioxidants in the Mediterranean Diet can alter the negative outcomes of smoking.

Basically the Mediterranean Diet can overpower the negatives of smoking.

Further research is underway to gather more support. But for now I say….make the right choice of diet!!

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Congrats to the Giveaway Winners!!!



Congratulations to Dianna, Sumi, Rita and Amber!! They were the four randomly selected winners of the Saffron Road Entree Giveaway!!!

Thank you for everyone who participated in this Giveaway and there will be another one coming soon!!!

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Saffron Road Review

Top Mediterranean Diet Reviews | Online Diet Reviews

The FOUR Saffron Road entrees we taste tested included Chicken Tikka Masala, Chicken Biryani, Lamb Saag, and Lamb Vindaloo. For people on the go looking for healthy alternatives, these frozen entrees will give you just what you’re looking for like savory spiced sauces, tender cubes of meat, and fluffy rice which taste even better if you mix it all together!

Now what about the Olive Factor?

Saffron Road prides itself on natural, vegeterian fed meat raised without antibiotics. Why is this important? From a scientific perspective, vegeterian fed meat provides a significantly higher level of protein versus fat which can lead to decreased stomach problems and certain cancers.  Recent health statistics point to colon cancer as the third leading cause of death from cancer among women right after breast cancer.  It is also the third leading cause of death from cancer in men. The number one risk factor for colon cancer other than family history is DIET! Traditional processed meat can sit in your colon for  up to 8-10 days!! So choose wisely!

All of their meals are also lower in sodium content compared to other frozen entrees on the market. Sodium can lead to high blood pressure and stroke. So choose wisely!

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