3 Tips to Incorporate the Mediterranean Diet into Your Life

Guest Post, Healthy Living

Please check out www.tonyapeele.com

It is a great site about simply eating better. Tonya is a Certified wellness coach, and I recently did a guest post about ways to incorporate the Mediterranean Diet into your life.


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Tuesday Toast with Kim Woodrum: Israeli Lamb Stuffed Peppers

Guest Post

Today’s guest blogger: Kim Woodrum. http://inspiredbythemediterranean.blogspot.com Kim is a blogger who specializes in Mediterranean Inspired Meals. She and her daughter take old meals and make them healthier. Please check out her site for other recipes.


Israeli Stuffed Peppers


  • 3 – 1 of each color, red, yellow, orange bell peppers
  • 1 – zucchini grated
  • 1 – large onion chopped
  • 1 – tablespoon of garlic
  • 1 – teaspoon of thyme
  • 1 – teaspoon rosemary
  • 1 ½- teaspoons of mint
  • ¼ – teaspoon of Baharat
  • 8 ounces of ground lamb
  • 1 cup of Israeli couscous-
  • 4 – tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 2/3 cups of chicken stock
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • 1 – 4 ounce container of plain Greek yogurt
  • ½ cup of chopped parsley


  1. Slice the peppers in half lengthwise through the stems and remove the seeds. Place the peppers cut side down in a baking dish with a little bit of olive oil and bake at 450 for about 15 minutes until they are lightly browned and tender. Then flip them over and leave in the dish.
  2. While the peppers are cooking start your filling by browning the onions, after onions are slightly browned add in the garlic and herbs and stir for a minute or two, add in the lamb and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, cook the lamb until it is brown and crumbly.
  3. Pour in the chicken stock, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and the couscous, bring to a boil and cover until the couscous is tender and most of the liquid has evaporated. Then stir in the grated Zucchini and cover and simmer for another 5 min. Add a drizzle of olive oil if needed, salt to taste. Fill the peppers with about 2/3 cup of the lamb mixture put back In the oven for another 5 to 10 minutes.
  4.  Top with a tablespoon of yogurt and a little bit of mint and serve.

Please let me us know if you try it and comment below.

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Great Deal on Glassware Sets $7.99 with free shipping


Bonton has LivingQuarters Glassware Sets on sale for $7.99 with free shipping.

There are a few varieties. See below. Add the coupon codes: YRSIGNATURE2010 & FBLIKECDF11
to get the deal!!

Enjoy. I just ordered the Eclipse Set.


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10 Ways to Save $Money$ at the Grocery Store

Deal, Healthy Living


Have you noticed that products are getting smaller and prices are either going up or staying the same? Well you are right! There are quite a few articles that have been released supporting this: (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92426936) (http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/business/consuminginterests/blog/2008/03/less_is_more.html)  (http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/2008-06-11-shrinking-sizes_N.htm) (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25570106/ns/business-consumer_news/)

With the economy, many manufacturers have reduced the sizes of their packages and kept the prices the same. What does this mean??? You may have to buy more and you definitely end up paying more for less.

Below are some tips to try and save money the next time you are at the grocery store.



  1. Shop Alone: Shopping with children usually adds a few extra items to your cart.
  2. The highest priced items are usually located at chest level. Reach up or kneel down to SAVE.
  3. Purchase frozen veggies in packages for $1.00. They are healthier than the canned and cheaper.
  4. Do not buy frozen prepared meals. It is cheaper and healthier to make your meals and freeze them on your own.
  5. Do not shop when you are hungry. This will add more items to your shopping cart.
  6. Buy your cheese in bulk and shred it on your own and store it in the refrigerator.
  7. Make your own pizza. Pizza dough and sauce costs ~$1.75. I will post a recipe soon to help with this. 
  8. Freeze your meals and reheat them for lunch throughout the week.
  9. Do not buy soda. Soda increases your waist line and your bill at the grocery store. Soda is not part of the Mediterranean diet and is a source of health troubles for many. By eliminating soda, some people have lost up to 20 pounds.
  10. Buy in-season produce or plant a garden.

What is your favorite tip? Do you have any tips for our readers??

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What do YOU think???

Healthy Living

We all have a favorite….so what is yours?

What do you like to put on your bread MARGARINE, OLIVE OIL or BUTTER?

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